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Crystal & Gemstone Healing Baths

Remember, our body is made of systems of energy that manifest in various patterns. When these patterns of energy work together in a balanced way then we experience our health.  However, these patterns of energy can be disrupted and when this happens we experience poor health.  Another path to balance and healing is through crystals and gemstones. They have properties that allow them to bring healing and protect against disease. The crystals and gemstones act as conduits for healing — allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out.


Crystals and gemstones can be worn on the body as jewelry, applied to the skin during crystal and stone therapy sessions, and also put into bathwater.  It might sound strange at first to think about putting stones in your bathtub, but this is just one more way of receiving the healing benefits that crystals and gemstones can offer us.  Using crystals and gemstones in the bath will absorb any negative energy. In addition, the healing energies will be directed to where it is needed.  Crystals like Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz and Amethyst are great for use for healing baths.

Crystal & Gemstone Healing Bath
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